Exercising every day, drinking one and a half liters of water a day and a healthy and varied diet is important to stay healthy. But unfortunately, this often doesn’t happen. We eat fat, too salty and too little vitamins, and minerals.
Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, many people are overweight and even morbidly obese! Despite the information provided by the government, this is not improving. It is still easy to get ready meals and to have an unhealthy fatty snack for lunch instead of vegetables and fruit.
Of course, a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, but especially if you have had an accident. You lose a lot of body weight because of this, especially consisting of muscle strength. A personal injury lawyer (in Dutch: letselschade advocaat) knows this like no other and therefore also claims that a victim can exercise after an accident, but also receive extra compensation to be able to eat extra and, above all, eat healthy. This helps with rehabilitation. Lawyers of a passenger damage insurance (in Dutch: svi verzekering) also endorse this!
Why a healthy diet is important after an accident
Healthy food is important for everyone, from young to old! It also plays an important role in the healing of diseases and recovery, for example from injuries from a bicycle accident, a dog bite or a car accident.
Healthy and protein-rich food is expensive, especially if you have to eat extra. However, as a result of an accident you lose muscle and energy, so protein-rich food is especially important. This allows you to build muscle strength and also improve your energy level. In other words, energy-rich food and protein-rich food is very important if you need to rebuild the body after a period of inactivity.
After injury due to an accident but also in case of illness, the muscle mass has decreased and this will have to be restored. In addition, rehabilitation after an accident or illness also requires a lot of energy. Energy (calories) is the fuel of the body and this is necessary to get the body going and keep it going.
Proteins are your body’s main building block and help build and recover from injury or illness. Because a large part of your muscle strength has been lost or because you have even become malnourished, more protein is needed than a healthy person needs. Protein does not only help with muscle building, but also in healing wounds and building and preserving organs and blood.
It is important to rehabilitate under supervision. This is the work for a rehabilitation doctor and, for example, additionally by a personal trainer. These individuals can determine how much protein a person needs in the event of a collision or dog bite injury.
What is high protein food?
Proteins are part of various foods. A distinction can be made between:
– Animal proteins
– Vegetable proteins
Animal proteins include meat, especially chicken contains a lot of protein. There are also meat substitutes with a lot of protein. But cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products also contain more protein than most other foods. Protein-rich foods can help build muscle.
Vegetable proteins are mainly found in nuts and peanuts, as well as in some seeds. Cashew nuts and peanuts have a lot of protein and are also energy-rich!
Nutrition is therefore an important factor in rehabilitation after an accident.